In manufacturing, a damp environment can be bad for one’s health and safety in general. As a result, manufacturers have created products that contain alumina balls to soak up moisture in the air and purify it. Before we can tackle what alumina balls do, it’s important to define their main ingredient, activated alumina.

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According to the video “What is activated alumina,” this is a white, porous substance that consists of aluminum hydroxide. High-temperature roasting and dehydration transform aluminum hydroxide into small spheres that are sometimes referred to as “alumina balls.” With a solid understanding of what makes alumina balls effective, we can move on to their common uses.

In manufacturing settings, alumina ball materials can be used to remove arsenic, fluoride, and other contaminants from substances. Some fertilizers also include alumina ball materials to wick moisture and help facilitate their chemical processes. Additionally, these types of balls can also be used as catalysts and catalyst carriers in chemical processes.

In the process of gas purification, they might also be incorporated as adsorbents or desiccants. The way that chemical plants and manufacturers use them may vary. Regardless of how companies use alumina ball items for their purposes, they have to follow standards and regulations set forth by the appropriate agencies. After all, these products may be hazardous in some settings.

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